It's funny you say that Lin, I can remember working out in service with your dad (back in the day) and having a very similar conversation regarding concentration camps. He felt we should all get "prepared", while I thought whatever was going to happen, was going to happen. He didn't like that too much. When are you getting married?
Big Tex
JoinedPosts by Big Tex
growing up scared of Armageddon
by bittersweet ini was just curious if any of you growing up in the truth were overly scared of armageddon?.
when my mom came into the org.
in the 70's,the only so called kids book was the paradise lost book.the pictures in that book scared the pants off me!at night when i was lying in bed,if i would hear a loud plane go over head,or there was a thunder storm,i was sure it was the start of armageddon and i would be sooooo scared.i was wondering if i was the only one overly scared,or if their were others.. also,was anyone out there extremely frightened of the demons?i would hear all these crazy experiences of people having problems with demons,and i was sooo frightened they would come bother me.maybe i was just a big old scaredycat,but if any one else has any experiences,please post them!
Hey, I'm a publisher again
by RunningMan inlast night, i returned from the chess club with my son to find my wife on the phone.
apparently the congregation secretary had phoned to get our time.
not wanting to disappoint him, she put us both down for two hours.. now, none of us have stepped foot in a kingdom hall since april 10, and we haven't been out in service since march/01.
Big Tex
Actually, I'm more interested in the chess club. Do you guys play regularly? Is it a tournament or do they help teach your son the finer points of chess? I love chess, but I haven't played in years.
growing up scared of Armageddon
by bittersweet ini was just curious if any of you growing up in the truth were overly scared of armageddon?.
when my mom came into the org.
in the 70's,the only so called kids book was the paradise lost book.the pictures in that book scared the pants off me!at night when i was lying in bed,if i would hear a loud plane go over head,or there was a thunder storm,i was sure it was the start of armageddon and i would be sooooo scared.i was wondering if i was the only one overly scared,or if their were others.. also,was anyone out there extremely frightened of the demons?i would hear all these crazy experiences of people having problems with demons,and i was sooo frightened they would come bother me.maybe i was just a big old scaredycat,but if any one else has any experiences,please post them!
Big Tex
Growing up, I was never scared of Armageddon. I figured that no matter what I do God will fry me at Armageddon so why worry? There's a certain sense of peace to inevitability.
Need Advice
by Vitameatavegamin inhi friends!
i have to say that the past year and a half i have come a long way as far as the old feelings of guilt for being inactive.. but, at times i still find myself having that nagging doubt, that maybe i am in disfavor with god.
i guess maybe it is hard to break the .
Big Tex
Taken in
Taken in again Wrapped around the finger
Of some fair weather friends Caught up in the promises
Left out in the air
No surprise
Taken for a rideTaken In, Mike & The Mechanics
Sexual Offender in my hall.
by PandaJ inso my wife calls me and says, "my mom told me there is a sexual offender in our hall, but she won't tell me who!".
i have a small child, so i obviously want to know.
her mom tells her a website where she can search for sexual offenders,
Big Tex
My dad and some of his friends raped me until I was 5 years old. Then it stopped, almost overnight. My dad is a normal looking guy. There's nothing special about him. If you met him, you'd think he was a good guy. He's still a ministerial servant in good standing; he even had a part on a circuit assembly a couple of years ago as an example of how good parents should raise their children. That's the thing about sexual offenders. They look normal (what is normal anyway?). They act like everyone else. They are the original "wolf in sheep's clothing". If I were you, I would change KHs this instant; not that another one is necessarily safer, but this is one place where you know beyond a shadow of a doubt who and what you're dealing with. One other thing about pedophiles. They don't change. They will continue to hunt and attack children until the day they die. If you care about the safety of your children, leave immediately. Would you let your children swim in an area where you knew a great white shark was trolling for food? If that is not possible, then you need to seriously look at 1) staying away from that KH until this "person" leaves; or 2) never, and I mean NEVER, let your children out of your sight. Do you know what that means? That means when they get up to get a drink water during the meeting, you go with them. When they go to the bathroom you go with them. If they go outside to play with their friends after the meeting, you go with them. Do not attend any congregation get-togethers if this "person" attends.
After reading this, I can see where many people would think me paranoid or over-reactive. It's certainly possible, but I would rather be that type of parent, and have my children grow up safe than to be an overly trusting fool and find out 20 years later this thing in your congregation attacked and raped them. Just my opinion.
My email encounter with a con artist
by Quotes injust thought i would share this series of communiques between myself and one budnik1 <[email protected]>.
i received the following unsolicted email to my quotes email address, with budnik1 marked as the return address:we wonder if you would like to acquire a unique christian relic associated with the nativity and created by the 50 ad.
however, we have some other items in our collection (not mentioned in our first message) which may be of some use to you.
Big Tex
unique Christian relic associated with the Nativity and created by the Apostles"
Is it a chamber pot?
Society profiting from Conventions
by freedom96 ini am sure that this has been talked about, but i would love to hear recent input.
there have been district assemblies where parking is charged, and all the "brothers and sisters" who are taking time off of work, etc, and cannot afford to go to this assembly but have to go, are paying good money for admission to the stadium.
many times not allowing come and go privledges.
Big Tex
Of course they profit from conventions. Money is the second most important thing to WTS. It is the fuel to drive the organisation. They are there to leech people dry and then dispose of them as worthless. Anyone who can't keep up is to be ignored and thrown away. WTS cares for nothing but themselves; only the organisation matters.
BrotherX reveals Purpose of Door-to-Door Ministry
by Derrick inlet's call him "brotherx" - an elder who either has heard from the circuit overseer "by word of mouth" or has come to the conclusion himself about why jehovah's witnesses are determined to reach every person on the planet with .
"the message of hope.
" i'll try to paraphrase some of his comments.. brotherx explained to me and others in the congregation that we "work our territories to essentially decide who lives and dies at armageddon.
Big Tex
WTS uses people. They don't care what those people are feeling, what obstacles or problems those people have, the only want results. Results equals numbers. Numbers are good since statitics can then be used to control people. The world of Jehovah's Witnesses is a dark and foreboding place wherein normal human wants and needs are to be suppressed. The individual is irrelevant, and to be sacrificed for the greater glory of the organisation. No one in that organisation cares for or about anyone else.
by badboy inwe know u wt r out there reading our posts!..
if u read the september 8 1994 awake!
p29,u will read a small article about what happened in canada concerning the catholic brothers, u will read that the canadian government launched an investigation which had serious convergions(sp?
Big Tex
Big Tex
Since my family says I'm condemned to hell, I'll let you know when I get there.